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Many Clubs to Choose From

In a closed, private world of app games, you have to know someone to get in. It’s not quite like a cult, but rather a diverse world of private members’ poker clubs. Each club caters to different players and has the right to admit or exclude anyone they want at any time. While this might not sound great, it really is for the greater good. Nobody likes the abusive tanker who takes chips out of the game. Nobody likes the 8/5 TAG pro waiting all night to bushwhack you with a back-raise with aces. Being private means clubs make the games and set the membership rules. We act as your personal connection to the myriad of PokerBros poker clubs. We even have our own rules and exclusivity when dealing with clubs. With our experience in the business, we know what can be problematic and who we can trust.

Club Types

PokerBros clubs have two basic types: Private, and Union Affiliated. It’s very easy to understand; totally private clubs are just like a single poker room in the world without a brand. They don’t share games or players. They often are selective about who they let in and what games they spread. Some are PLO-focused, while others specialize in NLHE.

Union Affiliated clubs share player pools with other clubs. There are also two different types of Union Affiliated clubs. The first is a private club that shares its players just for MTTs, called xMTTs when it’s a union-based MTT. This allows smaller clubs to offer players deep field MTTs, which a large percentage of recreational players are into.

The second, and most common, Union Affiliated club setup is sharing ring games and tournaments. This allows for players to settle chips with those they trust and can go to bat for them if there ever is an issue. That’s where PlayPokerBros comes in. We are the trusted agent making the connection to clubs in unions so you don’t have to worry about the chips you earned outplaying the friends of club owners in the PokerBros streets.

Settlement and Chips

Different clubs will treat players differently. Initially, you are expected to post everything before playing. You need chips already settled in a club. However, once you are known, it can be easier to just get chips nearly instantly when needed, say when you need a rebuy for an event. Poker apps are about connections and reputation. You can build this as an unknown by being active in the community, and of course, by winning. Everybody loves a winner.

Changing Clubs

Nothing lasts forever, and if for some reason the games burn out, or you are sick of grinding against certain players as if it’s Groundhog Day, you can ask us to put you in another club. In fact, it’s possible to be a member of 10 clubs if you are so inclined. Most players stick to 1 or 2, usually their favorite union for xMTTs, and the best club for ring games.


Unlike a home game, there’s no politics involved in getting your chips. You can usually get your chips right away. If a club owner asks you to wait to be paid chips you’ve won, it’s usually because of the complex dynamics of union settlements. Unions and clubs usually settle things on Monday, so sometimes if you’ve had a big Sunday, you might have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to get it all. Appreciate the beauty of poker players coming together to run a complex economy in a world that often frowns on the game (some would call a sport) we all love to play.

1What are the types of clubs in PokerBros?

A: PokerBros clubs have two basic types: Private and Union Affiliated. Private clubs are similar to a single poker room without a brand and do not share games or players. They are selective in membership and the types of games they spread. Union Affiliated clubs, on the other hand, share player pools with other clubs. Union Affiliated clubs can either be a private club that shares players just for MTTs (xMTTs) or can share ring games and tournaments with other clubs.

2How does PlayPokerBros help in connecting with the right club?

A: PlayPokerBros acts as a personal connection to the myriad of PokerBros poker clubs. They have their own rules and exclusivity when dealing with clubs. With experience in the business, PlayPokerBros knows what can be problematic and who can be trusted, ensuring that players are connected to clubs in unions without having to worry about issues such as settling chips.

3What is the procedure for settling chips in clubs?

A: Initially, players are expected to post everything before playing and need chips already settled in a club. However, as players become more known, it becomes easier to get chips nearly instantly when needed. Different clubs may have different policies, but generally, players can get chips right away. Delays, if any, are usually due to the complex dynamics of union settlements.

4Can I change clubs in PokerBros?

A: Yes, players can change clubs. If the games in a particular club are no longer appealing, or for any other reason, players can request to be placed in a different club. It is even possible to be a member of up to 10 clubs, though most players usually stick to 1 or 2 clubs.

5What is the significance of private members’ poker clubs in PokerBros?

A: Private members’ poker clubs in PokerBros cater to different players and can admit or exclude members at their discretion. This ensures that the club can maintain a certain standard of play and behavior, providing a better gaming environment for all its members. The private nature of these clubs allows them to make the games and set the membership rules according to their preferences.